Shamshiripour, A., Shabanpour, R., Golshani, N., Mohammadian, A.K. and Shamshiripour, P., 2020. “Analyzing the impact of neighborhood safety on active school travels.” International journal of sustainable transportation, 14(10), pp.788-805. https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2019.1628327
​Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Shabanpour, R. and Mohammadian, A.K., 2020. “Dynamics of travelers’ modality style in the presence of mobility-on-demand services.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 117, p.102668. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2020.102668
Selected Presentations
Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Shabanpour, R., Mohammadian, A. K., 2020. “Investigating Modality Styles in the Era of Mobility-on-Demand Services: A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Approach” Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.
Shamshiripour A., Shabanpour, R., Golshani, N., Mohammadian, A.K., 2018. “Modeling Students’ Travel Behavior: A Latent-Class MDCEV Model of Active Travel and Accompaniment.”, In Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC.