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Recent Research Projects
A multi-day Needs-based Approach to Travel Demand and the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Mode Choice
Collaborators: Kexin (Sally) Chen, Jingping (Jenna) Guan, Varun Pattabhiraman, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva
Sponsor: Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning and Design Research Center, Shenzhen, China.
Research context: China – nation-wide
Understanding the range of perceptions towards Urban Air Mobility and Autonomous Vehicles
Collarorators: Motahare (Yalda) Mohammadi, Taha Hossein Rashidi, Mohammad Javad Javadinasr, Ehsan Rahimi, Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian
Analyzing Retrospective and Futuristic Scenarios of Highway Expansion and Tolling Using SimMobility and Operational Tri-POP
Collaborators: Kentaro Mori, Kexin (Sally) Chen, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva
Sponsor: Cintra-Ferrovial, Madrid, Spain.
Research context: The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
Behavioral Response to Mobility-as-a- Service Across Different Types of Cities
Collaborators: Emma Desoto, Jingping (Jenna) Guan, Ravi Seshadri, Carlos M. Lima Azevedo, Moshe Ben-Akiva
Sponsor: Ford, U.S.
Research context: Three North American Prototypical cities of: Auto Innovative, Auto Sprawl, and Mass-transit Heavy Weight (see Oke et al. (2019) for a list of all prototypical classes.)